PureMFL™ Magnetic Flux Leakage Inline Inspection (ILI)

Yielding the highest resolution pipe wall loss data in the industry, Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) is a highly advanced method of non-destructively assessing the condition of metallic pipelines.

Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) is a method of non-destructive testing that is used to detect corrosion and pitting in metallic pipelines. Pure’s inline MFL tools scan the full circumference and length of a pipeline, providing high-resolution information on pipe wall condition. MFL scans the pipe through linings to measure remaining wall thickness and provide depth and location of metal wall loss caused by corrosion, pitting or other deterioration mechanisms. Providing the high-resolution data only a technology such as MFL can yield, comprehensive evaluation using structural models incorporating pipe industry standards can be performed to ensure structural performance criteria are being met.

Pure offers a wide variety of MFL tools for assessing the condition of metallic pipelines. These rangefrom large-diameter manned entry tools to free-swimming small-diameter tools.


By providing best-in-class computational capacity and speed, delivery of the highest resolution relevant pipe wall data, and thorough application of expertly developed algorithms, PureMFL enables utility owners to:

- Confidently make risked-based decisions by getting an early indication of failure mechanisms and determining the likelihood of failure associated with a pipeline.
- Build an asset management program to prioritize pipeline repair, replacement and monitoring programs.
- Perform comprehensive structural analysis based on the MFL datato understand thesignificance of the defects found.
- Accurately assess, classify and characterize pipeline anomalies - dramatically improve the decision-making process within their asset management program and lower costs by pinpointing areas needing repair and by minimizing verification excavations.
- “See” through lined pipes - the unique differentiator of PureMFL is that it is the only MFL technology available that can provide high-resolution pipe wall loss data through thick coatings up to a 1/2-inch.
- Accurately identify defect location become informed through rigorous axial location and radial location determinations.
- Assess metallic pipelines of variable diameters - we offer a wide range of PureMFL tools for manned or free-swimming deployment.
